Creative Condition
May 17, 2021

Creativity is a high-stakes part of making life a life worth living

Open Reference

Creativity is helpful in the workplace and is the high-stakes stuff that makes up one's life.

There are times when the creative parts of life can feel secondary - we put job work first. We may go further to doubt our creative efforts are worth any attention. Sliding into a career, we may forget about creative desires completely.

But there is an interior creative wellspring in each of us. And it doesn't care if you think it's secondary – it rests there at the center, waiting for you to draw from it.

We can pull from this creative source and apply its content to any work we do.

If we put our creative gifts into our job, the fear is we transform small bits of daily work into art—transforming art into a vocation.

And suddenly we find we have with us all the time the ability to do work that matters. Is this scary or exciting?

In this way, creativity is a high-stakes part of making life a life worth living - or at least not boring.

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